Children’s Trust and Children First are proud to announce our partnership with Roanoke City Public Schools and Children First for the 2022-2023 school year!
Children First will be providing the Speak Up Be Safe child abuse prevention program to ALL Roanoke City Elementary schools in the Roanoke Valley this coming school year. This opportunity will enable Children’s Trust to educate school children on how they can keep their bodies safe and what to do if abuse is happening to them.
Speak Up Be Safe is a national child abuse prevention program from ChildHelp and is geared towards elementary age children. Speak Up Be Safe is an evidence-based curriculum program with developmentally appropriate lessons for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade to help students prevent, interrupt, and speak up about various types of child abuse—physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, bullying, and cyberabuse.
We’re honored to continue to provide this service to our area children through RCPS. For more information on this program visit