The Giving Circle
Our pursuit of serving the most children and families by providing public education outreach, effective advocacy, and a strong network of support is made possible by the contributions of many.
Thank you to our generous supporters who made donations and annual gifts between July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022.
1979 Society ~ $10,000 + |
American Rescue Plan Act |
Bedford Community Health Foundation |
Bobby & Libby Blankenship |
Carilion Children’s |
Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia |
Family & Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia |
Kevin & Patricia McMahon |
Kathryn B McQuade Foundation |
City of Roanoke |
The Roanoke Jewish Federation |
The Edgar A Thurman Charitable Foundation for Children |
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services |
Virginia Department of Social Services |
Mission Partners ~ $5000-9999 |
Donna & John Batzel |
Carter & Kay Craigie Family Foundation |
Town of Christiansburg |
Roanoke County |
Floyd County |
Freedom First Credit Union |
Louise R Lester Foundation |
Montgomery County |
City of Radford |
C E Richardson Benevolent Foundation |
City of Salem |
Second Presbyterian Church |
Helen Lee Surber |
Tom & Mary Evelyn Tielking |
United Way of Roanoke Valley |
Children’s Trust Guardians ~ $2500-4999 |
The Community Foundation of the New River Valley |
Will & Karli Griffeth |
Deborah & Ted Melnik |
Member One Federal Credit Union |
Roanoke Natural Foods |
Bruce Phlegar |
Twin County Community Foundation |
Children’s Trust Partners ~ $1000-2499 |
Sarah & Rawson Andrews |
Colonial Downs Group |
David & Janet Crawford |
Dr & Mrs Joseph Duckwall |
John & Hoye Duckworth |
Eastern Divide Brewery |
Families Forward |
Paul & Susan Frantz |
John & Jerrie Frye |
Teresa George |
Annette Gurian |
Patti & Michael Jurkus |
Kathryn Kerkering |
Kathy Killian |
Kiwanis Club of Roanoke |
The Kroger Company |
CP & MG Lunsford Charitable Trust |
Millard Fairfield Holdings |
Physicians to Children |
William & Carolyn Rakes |
Leah Russell |
Fred & Janet Sachs |
Patrick & Trish Shaffner |
Phil & Linda Shiner |
The Starbucks Foundation |
David & Lana Tucker |
Drs Rick & Patty Vari |
David & Becky Wallenborn |
Winter Properties Partnership |
Children’s Trust Stewards ~ $500-999 |
Allstate Giving Program |
Joe Crawford |
Ruth Dickerson |
The Divas of the NRV |
David & Nancy Dixon |
Marianne Gandee |
Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation |
Una Jeremiah |
Dr & Mrs Donald Kees |
Shawn McMahon |
David & Patricia Nash |
Russell Privitera & Cameron Johnson-Privitera |
Rotary Club of Salem |
Keith & Helen Spence |
Amy & Bill Terry |
Friends Circle ~ $1-499 |
Tana Adams |
Philip & Anna Agee |
Kathy Amoroso & Steven Harris |
Steven & Susan Anastasio |
Brenda Anderson |
Briggs & Cathryn Andrews |
Honorable & Mrs. Jonathan Apgar |
Lana Atkins |
Christina Ballard |
Winifred & Jackson Ballenger |
Kirk Ballin & Katherine Devine |
Vincent & Mary Basile |
Judy Bates |
Alan Beach, PhD |
Luther & Margaret Beazley |
Joey Coakley Beck |
Julia Belvin |
Loni & Tom Bier |
Anna Bosco |
Laura Bowling |
Shannon & Danny Brabham |
Betty Branch |
Roy Simmons & Sally Branch |
Brian & Donna Britt |
Thomas & Irene Brock |
Brugh Coffee Company |
Alice Burlinson & Michelle Bennett |
Rich & Inez Cardillo |
Wanda Ostrander |
Heidi Christopher |
Rebecca & Warren Clark |
Judith Clark & Dean Harrison |
Vickie Clarke |
Sarah Clendenen |
Dean & Karin Colozza |
Mark Cox |
Lonne & Katherine Clark |
Babette & Timothy Cribbs |
Curiostudio |
Patty Daniel |
Ervin Davis |
Webster & Lyn Day |
Katie DeCoster |
Nathan & Leah Delp |
Sheila Delp |
Lisa Denny |
Edwina Dickey |
Dominic & Deborah DiFrancesco |
Janice Dinkins-Davidson |
Dr Allison Divers |
Janet Donnary |
Eugene Elliott, Jr |
Elizabeth Ellis |
Barry Ely |
Ray & Terri Ferris |
Cris & Watne Flippen |
Sue Foster |
Mae Lee Foutz |
Anne Fox |
Nancy & Archie Fralin |
Dave Prosser |
Joan Freeland |
Robert & Nadie Gard |
Mr & Mrs Randolph Garrett III |
Timothy & Martha Anne Garrison |
Martha Good |
Linda Griffin |
Drs Kurt & Maureen Guelzow |
Marlon Gunter |
Carol & Andrew Haas |
Bruce & Judy Hagadorn |
Hugh & Anne Hagan |
Gregory & Michele Haley |
Marlene Hamlette |
Bill Hammond Jr |
Stephanie Hannum |
Nichole Harless |
Dr Wayne Harris |
Evelyn Harris |
Fenton & Jane Harrison |
Tammy & Merle Hartley |
Brittney Hasenbeck |
Barbara Hatcher |
Christina Helm |
David & Nancy Henry |
Michael & Marsha Hicks |
Jessica Hilbish |
Suzanne Hiner |
Charlotte Hines |
Linda Hogan |
Julie & Steve Holt |
Roland & Cynthia Holt |
Clint & Nancy Hopkins |
Renee Hyatt |
Debbie & Mark Ikenberry |
Kendall Ireland |
Teresa Isom |
Linda Johnson |
Mae Johnson |
Hutch & Kristen Johnstone |
Shirlann Jones |
Erika Joyner |
Amy Kageals |
Robert & Deborah Kaplan |
Preeti Kaushal |
Kathryn & Brad Kerchof |
Decca Knight |
Leslie Lambert |
Alice Lawrence |
Anna & Thomas Lawson |
Leap Point |
Tucker & Catherine Lemon |
Mary Kean & John Levin |
Lance & Diane Lewis |
Christine Liana |
Lichtenstein Law Group, PLC |
Donna Littlepage |
David Lofgren |
Diane Ludwig |
Sarah & Kirk Ludwig |
Donna Lynch |
Catherine Marlow |
Patricia & Charles Marlow |
William & Rosemary Maxwell |
Moe & Eric McClanahan |
Elizabeth McClenney |
Drs Jame & Cathy McClung |
Charles Paget & Bonnie McDonald |
Catherine McLaughlin |
Toni McLawhorn |
George & Anna McLean |
Kameron Melton |
Sharon Merritt |
Betty Metz |
Heather Miller |
Karen & David Miller |
Donna & Curtis Mills |
Jeannie Moore |
Susan Muhoro |
John & Kathy Mull |
Marshall & Monika Mundy |
Bethany Murphy |
Dr & Mrs Blackford Noland |
Norfolk Southern Corporation |
Kipper & Mary Nottingham |
Amanda O’Dell |
Kim O’Rourke |
Victoria Owensby |
Lourdes & Paul Page |
Johnathan & Amy Pait |
Lynn & Carol Pape |
Pascal Investments |
Mark & Debirah Patterson |
Holly Peters & Sanford Gurian |
Dr & Mrs Douglas Pierce |
Brenda & Richard Poggendorf |
Tess Post |
Virginia Powel |
Stephanie Pratola & James Dalton |
Jessica Preston |
Claire Privitera |
Eva & Mark Quiroz |
Sammi Rader |
Walter Rader |
Jim & Sally Randles |
Angela Rauenswinter |
Laura Rawlings |
Erin Reid |
Bill & Ann Richardson |
Vernon & Pamela Robinson |
Roth Rose |
Phyllis Rouse |
Lisa Russell |
Rhonda Ryan |
James Sears |
Thomas & Jenny Seas |
Joe & Judy Sgroi |
Conrad & Annette Shaw |
Daniel Shaw |
Brady & Dee Sheffer |
Emily & Matthew Simpson |
Lara Siopis |
Mary Slough-Picone |
Deborah Smith |
Donald & Barbara Smith |
Edward & Melissa Smith |
Jackie Smith |
SW Virginia Community College Educational Foundation |
Melissa Stanley |
Mitzi Steele |
Taisha Steele |
John & Lee Anne Steffe |
Lesleigh Strauss |
Brenna Sullivan |
Jaqueline Talevi |
Mr & Mrs Emery Tarpley |
Temple Emanuel |
Mary Sue Terry |
John & Frances Tharp |
Rayburn & Peggy Thompson |
Tanya Trevilian |
Philip & Sarina Trompeter |
Paul Tucker |
Frank & Lyn Turk |
Kim & Alan Tucker |
Kathryn Van Patten |
Karthryn Ann Vanness & Steven Cronemeyer |
Carol Vess |
Elizabeth & Joseph Vogler |
Matthew Wade |
Jeannie Waering |
Sally & Allen Walker |
Stephen & Wendy Warren |
Hugh & Peggy Wells |
Wheeler Broadcasting |
Andrew & Michelle Whisnant |
Carol & Robert White |
Elizabeth Whitney |
Alan & Dawn Wilkerson |
Cranston & Marilyn Williams |
David & Mary Ann Wine |
Michael & Judith Wood |
Woodlawn United Methodist Church |
Patti Wooster |
Kathy Baske Young |